Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Letters to the Editor About Coal

Letters to the Editor are being published left and right in the Maneater (Campus paper at Mizzou) and the local papers. Check a few samples out below to hear more about what students are saying about the campaign:

LETTER: Coal's price tag is not cheap

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 | 3:32 p.m. CDT

It’s great to see articles on MU students taking action about coal. Coal is the most destructive form of energy that we use on a daily basis. These students are on the right path, and I am happy they are shedding light on how urgent it is to stop the use of coal.

It is always said that coal is still around because it is cheap; however, it is not when you take in all the aspects — especially the health of our community. One in six women has mercury levels too high to bear healthy children. Babies born with too much mercury in their blood are at risk for physical and mental disabilities. Isn’t out next generation’s health too high of a price to pay for energy?

Renewables cannot wait until the future; the time is now. MU should be a leader on this issue because this is a burden our generation must take on. Renewable energy is what we need for a clean and sustainable future, and I urge the MU administration to take proactive steps to make clean energy on campus a reality.

Letter to the Editor:

Clean energy at MU is no fairy tale

Published Sept. 22, 2009

Yes, the reality of our world today is one of convenience and readily available energy. However, why must we resign ourselves to getting that energy from the most destructive fossil fuel source on the planet? At what moment did we decide we should have the latest cell phone, military and space travel technology, even the latest football stadium scoreboard technology, but not the latest energy technology?

It's 2009, and we're still burning a dirty black rock from the ground for 80 percent of our energy needs here at Mizzou — a dirty black rock known to cause more cancer, respiratory disease, global warming, and environmental devastation than other readily available energy sources. Since when did we permanently resign ourselves to the same polluting energy source that led us into the industrial revolution 150 years ago?

Clean energy is not in the same realm as "unicorns," and those who think beyond coal are not in a world of ignorance and "woeful bliss." Implying that we cannot possibly switch off of coal and still enjoy modern conveniences would be laughable, if the health, environmental and economic consequences of not doing so weren't so serious.

Letter to the Editor:

MU should continue work toward alternative energy

Published Sept. 22, 2009

I'm really glad you wrote about the Missouri students' rally for coal-free energy on Wednesday. It's a really important issue to address.

From blowing off mountain tops in mountain top removal mining to toxic coal ash disposal, everything in coal power generation is incredibly destructive. An important example of this is coal plants emit nearly 40 percent of our nation's carbon dioxide emissions, significantly contributing to global warming. Recent studies have predicted that Missouri will look more like Texas by this century's end and agricultural yields will drastically decline due to extreme weather and climate changes if emissions aren't dramatically reduced.

Fortunately, we can eliminate coal and continue powering the country. Alternative energy is the future. With our current economic state, there isn't a better time to phase out coal and implement clean energy jobs.

This is why Mizzou is ready and already accomplishing great things to phase out coal and lead the way into the cleaner future responsibly. Mizzou has already cut power needs while saving money, like the $4.6 million energy management has saved annually from conservation efforts. We're on the right track, but there is much more we can do to lead in alternative energy.

Letter to the Editor:

Coal-powered plant out of place at MU

Published Sept. 15, 2009

Columbia, Missouri is a beautiful city. From my fifth floor residence I can see the tree line, the horizon, the blue sky, the top of Jesse Hall and…two huge smokestacks.

The two smokestacks come from Mizzou’s power plant. I was stunned when I found out that we get 80 percent of our campus energy in that plant from coal. It seemed like such an old fashioned figure for a school that’s at the forefront of social justice movements.

Coal plants are currently a serious contributor to global warming, emitting 40 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. Coal is just dirty and damaging to our community.

But the great thing is that we have the means to change that! Because we own the power plant on campus, not only can we be self-reliant for energy production, but we have complete control over the kind of fuels we burn on campus. We need to switch to clean energy for the sake of our students, our city and the whole world!

I love Mizzou because every day I see students and faculty advocating important issues, and really making an impact. Let’s take the next step and invest in coal-free, sustainable energy on our campus.

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